Tuesday, 24 November 2009

aunties card

This card was made for my aunty Jean (she is usually just known as aunty by the family and everyone knoes which aunty we're on about). She loves dogs and although this isnt the type of card I would make for her it was the only decent dog stamp in the house (my mum in law and I can only have so much stock in the house after all ) ;0)

This card unfortunatly isnt perfect enough but to my aunty I know that wont matter at least I remembered her birthday this year (as its on christmas day).


Made this card for my little cousin Grace who is turning 6. I love this card cause is so lovely sweet and simple. I peirced a pattern of holes to give it a nice touch and pattern to the butterfly wings. oh and some silver wire for the antennaes! Hope you like it Gracie x

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Girly Card

As soon as I saw the criss crossed ribbon (again on one of Janice's cards)I fell in love with it and I had to do the same on one of my cards. Ofcourse that wasnt going to be the main feature so what was????? looking through my craft mags again, I saw the handbag design with the jewls on so I thought that would go rather well. Again I was short on papers and I made one of my own papers up. The pink flower paper was done using a single flower stamp. Im glad this card came together well and im glad the receiver liked it too!

happy birthday mum

My sister in law gave me this stamped picture and it kind of reminds me of my mum. an angel who is always doing the dishes and working!

It was a real challenge finding colours and papers all to match but luckily i got there in the end and it turned out good! phew

Friday, 9 October 2009

'woof' 3 Today

My younger boisterous little cusion is turning 3 and so cause she isnt much of a girly girl (her parents say she got confused as to what sex she was supposed to be) i didnt know what card to make her. I decided to do a dog as they have a dog (and about 5 cats 3 rabbits and soon theyl have a duck) so i guess something just seemed fitting for me to do a dog card! love you Loynes/Thompson clang!

Thinking Fairy

I made this card just cause I wanted to, and its always there for when I could do with a blank card :)

Thursday, 8 October 2009

My little big Chloe

ok so this isnt a card but i do so love this pic.
My first born, my little big girl as I have to call her (cause "im not little") my chloe is looking so grown up! not just cause she is washing up but her face is so much more mature than what im used to seeing!

chloe LOVES to help in any way shape or form and im usually in to much of a hurry to get things done to let her help, but this time I let her wash the plastic dishes all by herself and she was over the moon!

magical day

Id recieved a free gift of some fairy stamps in my monhtly magazine and I thought they were actually quite decent and cute so I made a birthday card for a little cousin of mine, I have also used shrink plastic on the butterflies to make them "fairy small".


Im actually starting to play with shrink plastic, so i went back to an old magazine that was showing what you can do with shrink plastic and it showed how you could make a 3D image, so i gave it a go. not too bad huh!

happy Baaarthday

I still wonder if the wording on this card would have been better as 'baaathday' rather than 'baaarthday' what do you think? does it work both ways?

Baby Boy

My aunt was expecting another boy (Noah) so rather than having just any baby on the front of a card like you tend to buy I thought it would be better to have a picture of one of her own babies, so this baby isnt Noah it's one of her older sons Jonas when he was a baby. I was really excited about the idea.


I got the inspiration for this card out of my papercraft inspirations magazine, i added Disney princess stickers to the cake cases to add a disney to the card for my younger cousin Grace who loves her princess!


I copied my sister in law with this card as i loved her idea so much, i havn't used the same stamps ive just copied the layout. i made it for my younger cousin.